Archives for 2013

Rose Petal Flower Headband

Here is another tutorial to show you on how to make a rose petal flower headband. I found this idea on Pinterest. It was on I Heart Nap Time. I have fun making flowers to put in Sophia's hair, even if they only stay in for 10 minutes. If they stay in long enough to get a picture, then I'm happy. I know that sounds a little ridiculous but I have fun dressing Sophia up with flower headbands in her hair! You will need some cotton fabric (enough to cut 10-12 2 inch wide circles), scissors, a pencil, a glue gun, button, elastic or headband. Begin by tracing something you have that's circular shape and about 2 inches in diameter. Trace 10-12 circles onto your fabric then cut them out. Place a small amount of hot glue on the bottom part of the circle (as seen in the picture). Pinch the other side to the glue and repeat with all the circles. Glue the petals together to form a rose. Glue a button in the middle and attach with glue to a headband. It's so hard to get pictures of her these days without her looking away or sticking something in her mouth! Pretty cute, I think. I love the bigness of the flower. I think the bigger the better. If you're not into making one, you can … [Read more...]

Feeling Thankful Today

I'm feeling thankful today. We have had beautiful Spring weather this past week. Sophia and I have taken advantage of some outdoor time at the park. The sun has been warm and the smiles seem to be more abundant than usual. This weather has made me feel especially thankful for so much goodness in my life. I realize how easy it is to get caught up in the monotony of life. The each-of- these- days is just like the other, sort of thinking. It’s easy to become complacent and to lose perspective. So quickly I can lose sight of just how lucky I am to have been born into the privilege of a loving and supportive family. It's easy to lose sight of the privilege I have had of being born in a country where I have had access to good healthcare, great education, and so much opportunity. I could have easily been born somewhere else with less of a chance. It’s easy to be greedy and to forget just how lucky I am to have food in the fridge, clothes to wear, a car to drive, a bed to sleep in, and so much more than the basic necessities. There are people who don't have any of these things that I often take for granted. It's easy to think I want more and to forget how much I really have. It’s easy to … [Read more...]

Decorative Felt Flowers

These felt flowers are fun to make. They are super simple and you can put them on anything. Glue a felt flower to a headband, hair clip, bag, hat, clothing, or top of a package for an added touch.  They also make cute gifts after you have attached a felt flower to a headband, clip or bag. They really do look cute. All you need is some felt, beads and a needle and thread. Draw three flower shapes in three different sizes on a piece of felt, cut out your shapes, stack, place a bead on top, and sew together. Draw a leaf shape if you like, cut out, and sew to the bottom of the flower. It's that easy! Glue a flower to a hair clip. Attach a flower to a headband. Stitch a flower to the side of hat. Sew a flower on the front of your little girl's purse. You can sew them on a plain colored sweater, shirt, or dress. Also, don't worry about the flower shapes being perfect, just draw a simple shape and they look great even with imperfections. They don't have to be perfect to look good! … [Read more...]

Lampshade Makeover Idea

Here is a lampshade makeover idea. Here are the two shades and lamps. The before shade is on the right and the (partial) after (covered shade) is on the left. I've had these little Pottery Barn lamp shades and lamps for seriously 10 years. That's a long time for me to hold onto something! I held onto them for so long because at one time, they were really cute. After all these years, they were looking drab and needed a makeover. This is another simple idea for you on how to makeover a lampshade. You don't have to follow it exactly but maybe it will give you a little inspiration to makeover an old lampshade. I traced the shade on a piece of canvas type of white fabric. After I traced the shade onto the fabric, I cut it out and used a glue gun to glue the fabric to the shade. The shade is beaded, so there is no way to make the cover smooth. I think it turned out fine though. I glued the bottom edge in and then cut four slits in the top, put glue on the pieces and glued them down. The first picture in the post shows what the shade looked like after I covered it. I decided to coordinate the shades with the pillows I recently made. I cut four strips of fabric, created pleats using … [Read more...]

28 Favorite Free Fonts

There are so many great free fonts out there. I picked 28 favorite free fonts to share with you. These are the fonts I probably use most often. It is fun to create invitations, cards, or notes when you have a variety of pretty fonts to use. These are all free! Hover over the title of the font and click on it. You will then be taken to the web page where you can download the font. Most of these fonts come from This is a great site. It explains to you how to download the fonts and it has new free fonts all the time. Check it out and you can come up with your own favorite free fonts.                                                             … [Read more...]

Embellished Pillows

Pillows are fun and easy to make. In this tutorial I will show you how to embellish your pillows with pleated fabric. You can embellish other things with pleated fabric. You could embellish the front of a sweater or dress, a picture frame, book, or book mark with pleated fabric. You cold embellish a hair clip, headband, or make shoe clips. Okay, you get the idea! I just got a new chest for Sophia's room. I put it below her window and planned to make a cushion and throw pillows for it. I thought I'd make it look like a window seat. I still need to make a seat cushion but I just finished the pillows and I like the way they came out. I was inspired by Emily from Jones Design Company to embellish pillows with pleated fabric. I cut three long strips of fabric. You can use any kind of fabric you want. Or grosgrain ribbon would look really cute too. I don't measure too often. I'm just kind of that way when it comes to crafts. Sometimes it's not a good thing though and I end up having to redo things and it's a major hassle so I'm not recommending this. Anyway, I made sure the strips were all the same length and estimated how long I thought they should be. I spaced each strip out … [Read more...]

What’s New With Sophia?

What is new with my baby? It has been a while since I posted any pictures of Sophia. I have dozens but since she is moving all over the place so very few of them are of her not looking away or covering her face. She's wild, funny, full of energy and teaching us new things everyday. She loves to crawl around, show everyone how big she is, say Dada and Mama. What is new with my baby? Below are a few photos to show you.  Recently I tried putting sunglasses on Sophia before we went outside and she didn't like it! I managed to get a couple shots while I held her hands down to prevent her from taking them off! It's not easy getting good pictures of her these days. We went to her Grandpa's Birthday party in Orange County and she loved being in the swimming pool with Dada and her step sister Lauren and step brother Devon. The first time she's been on her new bike she got for her birthday. I think she likes it! She had fun at the park, crawling around with Dada. This is the first time she's crawled on grass. She loved it! … [Read more...]

Make Playdough at Home

Have you ever made your own play-dough? It's easy to make playdough at home. And it's a great activity for kids. It's fun for them to get involved in the process and it is not as messy as you would think.  The recipe is quick and easy and  you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry. I found the idea on  Pinterest. It is from this website ( What you will need: 3 cups flour, 1.5 cups salt, 6 tsp. cream of tarter, 3 tbsp. oil, 3 cups water, food coloring Mix all the ingredients in a big pot and stir over medium heat for about 2 minutes until the dough forms by pulling away from the sides. Knead the dough into balls until it gets the consistency of play-dough. Place the dough in plastic bags and add food coloring. I think this is the most fun part of this activity- squishing the food coloring into the dough. Make playdough at home and have fun! … [Read more...]

Ribbon Covered Hair Clips

Last time I was at Hobby Lobby I saw ribbon covered hair clips. The clips were covered with grosgrain ribbon and looked simple and cute. I was inspired to make some myself. I finally took the time to do it today. It didn't take much time at all. This is another basic tutorial I'm sure you could figure out yourself but maybe this will give you a little motivation to do it. These are cute for yourself, your daughter, or as a gift for a friend.   You'll need a few basic supplies; metal hair clips, grosgrain ribbon, glue {fabric or hot}, & scissors Step 1: Roughly measure a piece of ribbon a little longer than the ends of the clip & cut. Step 2: Place glue on the parts of the metal you can put glue on. Step 3: Carefully place ribbon evenly over the clip. Step 4: Place a small amount of glue on the inside of the clip, fold the ends in & place over the glue. Very simple! If you can get your toddler to hold still, put one in her hair. Hopefully your toddler won't pull it out like Sophia likes to do. … [Read more...]

Kids These Days are So Much Older

As I drove along the highway with my eleven year old daughter the sites passed us by like any other day until suddenly she said, “kids at my school are so weird and they act really bad a lot of the time.”  I asked, “what do you mean?”  “I mean,” she replied, “that the majority of kids cuss and say the ‘f’ word a lot! They think it’s so cool!” I thought, “are you kidding me?” I mean, these are elementary school kids!  “Oh yeah,” says my daughter, “and my friend is wearing really ‘S’ clothes all the time and it really bugs me.”  “What does ‘S’ mean?”, I asked.  After playing a short word game with my daughter, I came to the conclusion that ‘S’ stood for sexy.  When I found out the kind of outfits her friend was wearing I was blown away.  Sixth grade! "Kids these days are so much older," I thought. On another drive, with another child of mine, (this time with my fifteen year old son) out of the blue I asked if he had seen a certain kid that he really enjoyed spending time with. “What is he up to these days?”, I asked.  “He’s smoking a lot of weed and thinking it’s so cool,” was my son’s reply.  I said, “what?”  “There are a lot of kids who are selling weed and a lot of them smoke … [Read more...]